Interview questions for Web designer

1. Is CSS case sensitive?

No, CSS is not case sensitive. CSS is case insensitive under most of its control except for document mark-up language which is beyond its control.

2. Explain how can you align picture so that one may be higher or lower than the other?

In order to align picture so that one may be higher or lower than the other, use the align statement in your IMG SRC tag.
< IMG SRC = “” align=top > Also, you can use align=top or you can do align=middle/bottom

3. What is the external style sheet? How can we link it?

External stylesheet is a template/document/file which contains style and appearance information which can be used to link the HTML document and a large number of HTML documents can be linked using external style sheets. The file document can be linked using the LINK tag under the HEAD element. Files containing style information should have a suitable extension for example, style.css. The proper syntax for linking the file using external style sheet is <head><link rel =stylesheet href=”style.css” type=”text/css”></head>

4. How to align pictures so that they are one above the other?

By using the align statement in the IMG SRC tag.
<img src=”abdc.gif” align=top>. Align can also be modified as align=top, align=middle, align=centre etc.

5. Explain what is a Dreamweaver Template?

Dreamweaver Templates enables webmasters to define “non-editable” and “editable” regions of a webpage, only in Dreamweaver template the “non-editable” regions can be edited. Any changes implemented to the Dreamweaver Template will update any HTML pages that use the template.

6. What are the possible values for “position”?

The type of positioning used for the webpages can be determined by using the “position” element. These include static, relative, fixed, inherit and absolute.

7. Explain what is the difference between “visibility:hidden” and “display:none”?

They are both style properties
• visibility:hidden: This property hides the element, but it still takes up space in the layout
• display:none: It eliminates the element completely from the document. It does not take up any space, even though the HTML for it is still in the source code.

8. What are the different JavaScript types?

There are six types of JavaScript: Object, null, string, undefined, Boolean and number. Objects include functions, array and ordinary objects. Numbers may include integers and real numbers, and also include special values such as NaN and infinity. Strings include empty strings, ““,

9. In CSS when you will use CSS float?

In CSS, you would use CSS float when you want to make an element of your page be pushed to the right or left and make other elements wrap around it.

10. What does “1”+2+4 return?

Since the question contains strings and + sign is usually used for catenation, the answer returned will be 124.

11. Why should a graphic containing several words should be saved in GIF instead of JPG?

It is preferable to store the image in GIF format if image consists of certain words because JPG has file compression features which may render the fonts unreadable.

12. What is a prompt box?

A prompt box is a popup box that allows the user to enter the required inputs. This is done by providing a text box. The prompt box can also have the OK and the cancel button to proceed with the input entered to execute the action.

13. As a web-designer while declaring “delete” button what would be your color choice?

Make the “Delete” button more prominent by using color like Red, especially when you have to show two button side by side. Red is sign of caution, so that will definitely help the user to draw their attention.

14. What is the work area in Photoshop?

The Photoshop work area has many features:
1. Menu bar:
This is where the user can select most of the functions and commands and features in Photoshop.
2. Drawing area or drawing palette:
This is the area where the image to be worked upon appears in Photoshop.
3. Options bar:
Shows a wide array of different tools. This contains specific features that can change the tools used. This changes the properties of tools as each option is selected.
4. Lasso option bar:
Tools for creating different images can be selected from this function. This is a toolbox for the different tools available.
5. Palettes:
To modify and manage different images available. There are five variations of palettes available in Photoshop.
6. Palette well:
Used to organize different palettes while working or doing a project

15. Explain how can a developer learn about web design?

Developer can learn about web design by following tips
• Visit website like “Smashing Magazine” to get better idea about web design
• Another website is “ Best Web Gallery” can also be helpful to get insight of quality design and layouts
• Try your hands on tools like Adobe Illustrator
• Create dynamic website using MySQL and PHP
• Learn basic languages as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP or jQuery

16. What is the basic difference between an alert box and a confirm box?

An alert box is a popup box that has only one element. That is the OK button. While the confirm box has two buttons the OK and the cancel button.

17. Explain how can you integrate CSS file to your webpage?

To integrate CSS file with any number of HTML files, you have to integrate the file after the <head> tag using “Link” property.
<head><Link REL=STYLESHEET HREF= “filename.css”Type=“text/css”></head>

18. What is the basic difference between HTML elements and tags?

The main difference between HTML elements and HTML tags is that elements are used to communicate with the website on how to render the information. They are represented within <>, these form the HTML tags. Tags usually come in pairs and surround the text.

19. Mention why is the mouse cursor slightly tilted and not straight?

During beginning of mouse technology, it was found that given the low resolution of the screens in those days, drawing a straight line and a line at a 45 degree angle was easier to do and more recognizable than the straight cursor. Also, the tilted arrow can help the click position easier to calculate because the origin of the cursors bitmap was in the upper left. This saved the mouse tracking subroutine a calculation on every click.

20. What is the difference between standard modes and quirk modes?

Quirks mode is a defined compatibility mode that is different from browser to browser and usually does not promise efficient use of the browser. Standard mode is something that is defined by a user and the behavior is as shown by the CSS and HTML specifications.

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