Interview questions for Django

1. What is Django?

Django is a web development framework that was developed in a fast-paced newsroom. It is a free and open-source framework that was named after Django Reinhardt who was a jazz guitarist from the 1930s. Django is maintained by a non-profit organization called the Django Software Foundation. The main goal of Django is to enable Web Development quickly and with ease.

2. why is it used?

Django is a high-level Python web framework that enables the rapid development of secure and maintainable websites. It’s free and open source. It takes care of much of the hassle of web development and allows you to focus on writing apps without any need to reinvent the wheel.
The purpose behind developing this framework is to make developers spend time on new application components instead of already developed components.
The reasons why Django is most preferred are:
• The Django framework is fast and flexible.
• Suits for any web app development
• It’s secure and Scalable.
• Portable

3. Name some companies that make use of Django?

Some of the companies that make use of Django are Instagram, DISCUS, Mozilla Firefox, YouTube, Pinterest, Reddit, etc.
What is the latest version of Django? And explain its features.
The latest version of Django is Django 3.1. The new features of it are:
• Supports asynchronous views and middleware
• Provides JSON field support for all database backends
• Admin layout
• Path lib
• Code Reusability
• CDN Integration

4. What are the features of Django?

• SEO Optimized
• Extremely fast
• Fully loaded framework that comes along with authentications, content administrations, RSS feeds, etc
• Very secure thereby helping developers avoid common security mistakes such as cross-site request forgery (csrf), clickjacking, cross-site scripting, etc
• It is exceptionally scalable which in turn helps meet the heaviest traffic demands
• Immensely versatile which allows you to develop any kind of websites.

5. How do you check for the version of Django installed on your system?

To check for the version of Django installed on your system, you can open the command prompt and enter the following command:
• python -m django –version

6. How does Django work?

Django can be broken into many components: file: This file defines your data model by extending your single line of code into full database tables and add a pre-built administration section to manage content. file: It uses a regular expression to capture URL patterns for processing. file: It is the main part of Django. The actual processing happens in view.
When a visitor lands on Django page, first Django checks the URLs pattern you have created and used the information to retrieve the view. After that view processes the request, querying your database if necessary, and passes the requested information to a template.
After that, the template renders the data in a layout you have created and displayed the page.

7. Which foundation manages the Django web framework?

Django web framework is managed and maintained by an independent and non-profit organization named Django Software Foundation (DSF). The primary foundation goal is to promote, support, and advance the Django Web framework.

8. What are the advantages of using Django?

• Django’s stack is loosely coupled with tight cohesion
• The Django apps make use of very less code
• Allows quick development of websites
• Follows the DRY or the Don’t Repeat Yourself Principle which means, one concept or a piece of data should live in just one place
• Consistent at low as well as high levels
• Behaviors are not implicitly assumed, they are rather explicitly specified
• SQL statements are not executed too many times and are optimized internally
• Can easily drop into raw SQL whenever required
• Flexibility while using URL’s

9. Is Django backend or front end?

Django is suitable for both backend and frontend. It’s a collection of Python libraries that allow you to develop useful web apps ideal for backend and frontend purposes

10. Explain Django architecture?

Django follows the MVT or Model View Template architecture whcih is based on the MVC or Model View Controller architecture. The main difference between these two is that Django itself takes care of the controller part.

11. What is the difference between Python and Django?

Both Python and Django are intertwined but not the same. Python is a programming language used for various application developments: machine learning, artificial intelligence, desktop apps, etc.
Django is a Python web framework used for full-stack app development and server development.
Using core Python, you can build an app from scratch or craft the app with Django using prewritten bits of code.

12. Which foundation manages the Django web framework?

Django web framework is managed and maintained by an independent and non-profit organization named Django Software Foundation (DSF). The primary foundation goal is to promote, support, and advance the Django Web framework.

13.  Is Django stable?

Yes, Django is quite stable. Many companies like Disqus, Instagram, Pinterest, and Mozilla have been using Django for many years.

14. What architecture does Django use?

Django follows a Model-Template-View (MTV) architecture. It contains three different parts:
• Model: Logical data structure behind the entire app and signified by a database.
• Template: Deals with the presentation of data.
• View: It’s a user interface. What you see when you visit a website is called a user interface. Represented by HTML/CSS/Javascript files.

15. Explain the Django URLs in brief?

Django allows you to design your own URLs however you like. The aim is to maintain a clean URL scheme without any framework limitations. In order to create URLs for your app, you will need to create a Python module informally called the URLconf or URL configuration which is pure Python code and is also a mapping between the URL path expressions to the Python methods. The length of this mapping can be as long or short as required and can also reference other mappings. When processing a request, the requested URL is matched with the URLs present in the file and the corresponding view is retrieved.

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