Interview questions for Stock develolper

1. What is Full Stack development?

Full Stack development involves developing both front end and back end of the web application/website at the same time. This process includes three layers:
• Presentation layer (frontend part responsible for user experience)
• Business logic layer (backend part refers to the server-side of the application)
• Database layer

2. What Should a Full-Stack Developer Know?

Since full-stack developers are actively engaged in every stage of project creation, even junior job candidates should have a strong understanding of all main processes. Here are the crucial skills for an entry-level professional:
• Version control (most teams use Git)
• Confident command of at least one popular IDE.
• Experience in debugging.
• Project management methodologies. You want to hire a candidate who has at least a theoretical understanding of Agile, Scrum, Kanban, or other strategies the team uses.

3. What does Full Stack Web Developers do?

A Full Stack Web Developer is a person who is familiar with developing with both client and server software. In addition to mastering CSS and HTML, they are also know how to program browser, database and server.
To fully comprehend the role of Full Stack developer, you must understand the web development components – front end and back end
The front end comprises a visible part of the application in which the user interacts, while the backend includes business logic.

4. Which languages and technologies should a full-stack developer know?

This question will give business owners an immediate understanding of how many types of tools a candidate can work with. Typically, the technologies expected in a full stack engineer job description are:
• Front-end and back-end programming languages. The former include HTML, CSS, and JS, while the latter are Java, PHP, Python, and others. A candidate doesn’t have to be highly skilled in either – however, a good understanding of syntax and applications will make it easier to collaborate with teammates.
• Frameworks. These tools help cut the time needed to bring a product to the market tremendously – that’s why it’s helpful to hire a candidate familiar with the main ones. The examples of most widely used frameworks are Django, Spring, Hibernate, etc.
• Databases are the cornerstone of most software development projects. That’s why a full-stack engineer should know how to use at least one DB language – for most candidates, it’s SQL.
• Prototyping and design tools. Having a toolset for wireframing, as well as UX and UI design is crucial for designing the front-end of the project.

5. Name a few Full Stack developer tools?

Some of the popular tools used by full-stack developers to make development more accessible and efficient are:
• Backbone
• Visual Studio Code
• WebStorm
• Slack
• Electron
• TypeScript
• CodePen
• GitHub

6. What are the most common technology stacks you know?

A full-stack engineer is the one in charge of choosing technologies the project will run on. You want to make sure that your future hire is familiar with the most popular tech stacks used to support high-traffic platforms.
Here is a quick rundown of three widely used technology stacks:
• LAMP (short for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) is a go-to stack for most web development projects. Facebook, for one, is built on LAMP.
• MERN (short for Mongo.DB, Express, React, Node.js) is a newer tech stack that’s gaining traction among web developers, especially for e-commerce and startup projects.
• MEAN (short for MongoDB, Express, Angular.js, Node.js) is a similar stack to MERN, with the only difference being the use of Angular.js instead of React. This set of technologies is a top choice for app development.

7. What skills do you need to be a full stack developer?

A Full Stack developer should be familiar with:
• Basic languages – Must be proficient in basic languages like HTML, CSS, and SQL.
• Front-end frameworks – BootStrap, AngularJS, VueJS, ReactJS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Ruby, PHP
• Back-end frameworks – Express, Django, NodeJS, Ruby on Rails
• Databases – MySQL, SQLite, Postgres, MongoDB, Cassandra, Apache storm, Sphinx
• Additional skills recommended – Git, Machine Learning, SSH, Linux Command, Data Structures, Character encoding.

8. What are several factors that you consider when coding in regards to SEO?

As the interviewer gets into more technical topics, they’ll likely want to know how you perform specific tasks in the programming and development process. Highlight your attention to detail and critical thinking skills by describing how you approached similar tasks in your past role.
Example: “I always implement several key standards throughout my code, including specification of an alt tag on any images, accurate HTML tags for all content hierarchy, XML sitemap routing, enabled SSL and Google analytics integration. These factors are essential in ensuring proper optimization for a website’s organic rankings in search engines.”

9. Explain Pair Programming?

As the name suggests, Pair Programming is where two programmers share a single workstation. Formally, one programmer at the keyboard called the “driver” writes the code. The other programmer is the “navigator” views each line of the code written, spell check, and proofread it. Also, programmers will swap their roles every few minutes and vice-versa.

10. What are some use cases for Docker?

The interviewer may ask this question as a way to gauge your experience with this particular platform as a service product (PSP). If you have previous experience with this application, describe it in your answer. You can also explain what you know to be popular advantages of Docker if you have experience using another container tool.
Example: “In my last job, I found Docker to be highly advantageous with building test boxes and facilitating testing for continuous integration. I’ve also used Docker to encapsulate legacy applications, which allows developers to deploy them to any servers that require older packages or software versions to set up.”

11. What do you feel are some benefits to using CommonJS?

This is another operational question that the interviewer may ask you to learn how you use CommonJS in programming tasks and the benefits you experienced when using it. In your answer, describe any experience you have with the application or what you’ve learned about it in the past.
Example: “Since CommonJS is a server-side design, I find it beneficial for writing import statements and modules and switching between server-side and client-side development with JavaScript. CommonJS also affords ease of use through its syntax, which is closer to the Node style of writing import statements and modules.”

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