How to develop skills and knowledge for Interviews


Everyone wants to have a fulfilling career. But what do you think you need to have it? While there are many possible answers, in my opinion there are at least two things you should have. First, you should follow your heart. Following your heart means working on something that matters to you. It’s something that you do not because of money, but because of love andcare. Second, you should live your fullest potential. A skill set is a collection of skills and abilities. Each person has a different skill set depending on their interests, natural abilities, personal qualities and technical skills. Skills can expand your professional competency and allow you to perform your job well.

Examples of soft skills

• Adaptability
• Communication
• Flexibility
• Creativity
• Decision making
• Conflict resolution
• Leadership
• Management
• Motivation
• Team work
• Time Management
• Team Management

Examples of hard skills

• Accounting
• Architect
• Copywriting
• Data analysis
• Food processing
• Event planning
• Foreign language fluency
• Driving
• Graphic design
• Information technology
• Organization
• Development
• Mathematics
• SEO/SEM marketing

1. Get A Mentor & Be A Mentor:

Having a mentor at work is crucial to attaining new skills and knowledge. A good mentor will help you solve some of the challenges and roadblocks you face. The best mentors will help you figure out next steps that work for you and help guide you over hurdles that sit squarely in your blind spot.

2. Be curious:

Curiosity is essential because it makes the process of developing skills much more enjoyable. If you are curious, you will naturally want to know more simply because it’s fun. You will go further and deeper than those who develop their skills because they must.

3. Raise Your Hand For New Challenges:

When you see new opportunities to learn new skills, go for it. If there is something in the company you want to learn to do and you see an opportunity to learn those skills in a special project or a new assignment, make the grab. Do a little extra when it’s required to learn those new skills that you need to advance. Remember, it’s not aggressive to reach for a new opportunity. It is helpful, useful and valuable.
• Ex: Don’t say that something is boring
Saying that something is boring is killing curiosity since it closes door of possibilities.
• Make asking a habit
Often we take things for granted and accept them as they are. Don’t. Build the habit of digging deeper below the surface. Your tool to do that is questions.

4. Develop your learning skill:

Learning skill should be the first skill you develop because it greatly helps you develop other skills. An essential ingredient to have good learning skill is motivation. If you are motivated to learn about a subject, it will be much easier for you to learn it. Again, curiosity plays an important role here because a curious person is naturally motivated.

5. Seek feedback about strengths and weaknesses:

You can ask superiors, colleagues or even friends or family about your strengths and areas for improvement. It is important to seek feedback from people who will give you honest critiques rather than automatic praise. Once you identify your weaknesses, you can focus on developing those skills.

6. Review job descriptions for positions you want:

These job descriptions will give you an idea of the transferable skills you have, as well as the job-specific skills you will need. Once you identify the skills you need, you can research job shadowing or education programs that can provide you with the necessary skill set to transition into that position.

7. Be a versatility:

A versatility is someone who can easily adapt to new situations and quickly develop the skills necessary to excel. Being a versatility essentially means being a smart learner who knows what to learn and how to quickly learn it. To know what to learn, a versatilist should anticipate the future. That way he will get a sense of what new skills will be in demand and prepare himself before most people do.

6. Read, read and look for problems to solve:

Sometimes, there are not a lot of grabs to make. We understand that. We recommend that you start reading everything you can about your industry and your field.
Study everything there is to know about your company and their competitors. Know the company goals and unique selling points of your company like the back of your hand. Become an expert in these things and be able to talk about it. Think about some solutions to the company’s chief challenges.

7. Find your role models:

It will be easier for you to grow if you have concrete examples of what you want to be. That’s why it’s important to find your role models. Your role models give you a standard to achieve so that you know where and how far you should go in developing your skills. It will also motivate you since you know that someone has already achieved such high standard.

8. Find The Learning Opportunities Internally:

Many companies have some sort of internal learning system. Go talk to your benefits team. Find out about training opportunities available to you. Learn about any tuition reimbursement benefits you may have. Developing new skills doesn’t have to mean going back to school in the evenings. Sometimes, the skills you’re looking for are right in front of you. It’s a matter of knowing what you want to learn and finding ways to develop those skills while you are at work.

9. Take advantage of company training:

Many companies use independent training departments with experts in different fields that train on specialized skill sets. Check in with your supervisor about what your company has to offer and which courses would be especially beneficial for your professional growth.

10. Participate in job shadowing:

Job shadowing is a great way to learn more about the day-to-day responsibilities of another profession and to learn new skills. Generally, it is best to choose individuals who are experienced or perform well in their positions. Job shadowing usually involves following a professional while they perform their job duties and learning about different skills.

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