Interview questions for Drivers

An Overview

Drivers typically work for hotel or restaurants and carry out various transporting tasks. They are responsible for carrying out vehicle maintenance, delivering packages to clients in a timely manner and working on nights and weekends, among other duties. f you have yet to find yourself a truck driver job or are looking for a new one I recommend that you take a look at my free truck driver job board here to find local and national driving jobs.

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1 .Why Should You Increase Your Separation Distance When Following A Large Vehicle?

Large vehicles can block your view. Your ability to see and to plan ahead will be improved if you pull back to increase your separation distance.

2. What is the primary job of a truck driver?

The primary job of a truck driver is to check the overall condition of the tractor and trailer (pre-trip inspection) to ensure that the load is delivered on time and undamaged. The truck driver also has to help with loading and unloading, maintaining the necessary documentation, and communicate with management.

3. Other than money why did you choose to get your CDL?

Be prepared to answer this question. Think about what you are going to say now so that you are prepared in case you are asked it. You might get some ideas from this article.

4. How would you describe your driving record?

Be honest. Hopefully you have had a clean driving record for the last 10 years, if you have you have nothing to worry about. If you have had a moving violation you need to let them know what the violation was for and when it occurred. The trucking company is looking to see how honest of an employee you are going to be.

5. How familiar are you with the area and route you would be driving?

I’ve driven through the area a few times, but I can’t say I know it too well. I’m a quick learner, however, and would quickly learn the route once I begin driving it. I’m very comfortable with technology, so I’m not afraid to double-check GPS.

6. How much experience do you have driving?

Your answer to this question has to be honest because the trucking company will find out where you have worked before. If you have never had a job driving you need to be honest and open about that. Not telling the truth to this question is the worse thing you could do.

7. You Are On A Two-lane Dual Carriageway. For Which Of The Following Would You Use The Right-hand Lane?

Overtaking slower traffic.

8. When You Have Entered A Roundabout And Are Going Straight Ahead You Should:

Signal left before leaving the roundabout.

9. What Does This Signal Mean?

Traffic may proceed in the direction of the arrow.

10. What do you enjoy the most about driving?

I really enjoy driving because I get to see new places, travel around and explore new roads, all while working and earning money.”

11. When are you available to start this position?

You should be ready to start as soon as possible and looking forward to working with their company.

12. Why do you want to work for our trucking company?

Research the company before the interview so you can highlight some of the reasons why their company would be the best fit for them.
For example, in doing your research you may find out that the company was voted as one of the best trucking companies in the area. This is something worth mentioning because it will separate you from other potential drivers that may know nothing about the company.
As much as you want to work for them they also want to have drivers that are excited to be there.

13. Travelling In Neutral Or With The Clutch Pressed Down:

Reduces driver control.
When Taking A Medicine Prescribed By Your Doctor, Who Is Responsible

14. For Deciding If You Can Drive Or Not?

You are responsible. It is a good idea to check the instructions or ask your doctor or pharmacist.
At The Scene Of A Traffic Incident One Of Your Main Priorities Should Be To: Not put yourself at risk.

15. How often do you miss work?

Answer: You only miss work when it is absolutely necessary because of illness or an important personal obligation. In general you prefer not to miss work.

16. What would you do if you were in an accident?

You would take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of everyone involved by calling the police and reporting it to the trucking company as soon as possible.

17. If Traffic Lights Are Not Working, You Should Proceed As If The Junction Is:
A Driver Is Carrying Two 13 Year Old Children And Their Parents In His Car.

18. Who Is Responsible For Making Sure That The Children Wear Seat Belts?

The driver.

19. Tell us something about your (truck) driving experience?

First and foremost, you should speak with enthusiasm. Talk about the countries you’ve been to, vehicles you’ve driven, goods you’ve carried, companies you’ve worked for.
It is also good to mention the hours you’ve driven, long trips you’ve made (if any), and basically describe your experience in a positive way.
If you’ve never driven truck before, you can talk about your car driving experience, and especially about situations that emulate the life of a truck driver (long journeys on your own, driving through the night, etc).

20. How do you feel about a slip-seating setup?

If they ask this question the chances are high that you will share the same truck with several drivers, or that you will drive different trucks in your job and will always have to move your personal stuff from one vehicle to another.
Alas, that’s how many big distribution companies work. They want to maximize the use of their car park, and won’t let a truck standing in a terminal just because you have a day off.
Say that you understand how this setup improves efficiency, and that you are totally okay with sharing trucks with other drivers. Show them that you can look at your job also from a position of an employer (and what they try to achieve) and do not think only about your personal comfort.

21. What does a truck driver do?

Truck drivers transport goods over short or long distances. Being out on the road means they have immense responsibility so make sure you check their commercial driver’s license (CDL) and driving record.

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