Interview questions for Laravel

1) What is Laravel?

Laravel is an open-source widely used PHP framework. The platform was intended for the development of web application by using MVC architectural pattern. Laravel is released under the MIT license.
Therefore, its source code is hosted on GitHub. It is a reliable PHP framework as it follows expressive and accurate language rules.

2) Define composer?

It is an application-level package manager for PHP. It provides a standard format for managing PHP software dependencies and libraries.

3. Explain validations in laravel?

In Programming validations are a handy way to ensure that your data is always in a clean and expected format before it gets into your database.
Laravel provides several different ways to validate your application incoming data.By default Laravel’s base controller class uses aValidatesRequests trait which provides a convenient method to validate all incoming HTTP requests coming from client.You can also validate data in laravel by creating Form Request.

4. What is HTTP middleware?

HTTP middleware is a technique for filtering HTTP requests. Laravel includes a middleware that checks whether application user is authenticated or not.

5. How to install laravel via composer ?

You can install Laravel via composer by running below command.
composer create-project laravel/laravel your-project-name version

6. Name aggregates methods of query builder?

Aggregates methods of query builder are: 1) max(), 2) min(), 3) sum(), 4) avg(), and 5) count().

7. List some features of laravel 6 ?

Laravel 6 features
• Inbuilt CRSF (cross-site request forgery ) Protection.
• Inbuilt paginations
• Reverse Routing
• Query builder
• Route caching
• Database Migration
• IOC (Inverse of Control) Container Or service container.
• Job middleware
• Lazy collections

8. What are the advantages of using Laravel?

Here are important benefits of Laravel:
• Laravel has blade template engine to create dynamic layouts and increase compiling tasks.
• Reuse code without any hassle.
• Laravel provides you to enforce constraints between multiple DBM objects by using an advanced query builder mechanism.
• The framework has an auto-loading feature, so you don’t do manual maintenance and inclusion paths
• The framework helps you to make new tools by using LOC container.
• Laravel offers a version control system that helps with simplified management of migrations.

9. Explain validation concept in Laravel?

Validations are an important concept while designing any Laravel application. It ensures that the data is always in an expected format before it stores into the database. Laravel provides many ways to validate your data.
Base controller trait uses a ValidatesRequests class which provides a useful method to validate requests coming from the client machine.

10. What is routing?

All Laravel routes are defined in route files, which are stored in the routes directory. These files are loaded by the MVC framework. The routes/web.php files define routes that are available for the web interface. Those routes are allotted as the web middleware group, which provide features such as session state and CSRF protection. The routes available in routes/api.phpare stateless and are allotted as the API middleware group. For most of the applications, one should start by defining routes in routes/web.php file.

11. What do you understand by Reverse routing?

Reverse routing in Laravel is used to generate the URL based on name or symbol. It defines a relationship between the links and, Laravel routes, and it is possible to make later changes to the routes to be automatically propagated into relevant links. When the links are generated using names of existing routes, the appropriate uniform resource identifiers (URIs) are automatically generated by Laravel. Reverse routing provides flexibility to the application and helps the developer to write cleaner codes.
Route Declaration:
1. Route::get(‘login’, ‘users@login’);
A link can be created to it using reverse routing, which can be further transferred in any parameter that we have defined. If optional parameters are not supplied, they are removed automatically from the generated links.

12.  How will you describe Bundles in Laravel?

In Laravel, Bundles are also known as Packages. Packages are the primary way to add more functionality to Laravel. Packages can be anything, from a great way to work with dates like Carbon, or an entire BDD testing framework like Behat. Laravel also provides support for creating custom packages.
There are different types of packages. Some of them are stand-alone packages. This means they can work with any PHP framework. The frameworks like Carbon and Behat are examples of stand-alone packages. Other packages are intended for use with Laravel. These packages may contain routes, controllers, views, and configurations which are mainly designed to enhance a Laravel application.

12. What is PHP artisan. List out some artisan commands ?

PHP artisan is the command line interface/tool included with Laravel. It provides a number of helpful commands that can help you while you build your application easily. Here are the list of some artisan command:-
• php artisan list
• php artisan help
• php artisan tinker
• php artisan make
• php artisan –versian
• php artisan make model model_name
• php artisan make controller controller_name

13. List some default packages provided by Laravel Framework?

Below are a list of some official/ default packages provided by Laravel
• Cashier
• Envoy
• Passport
• Scout
• Socialite
• Horizon
• Telescope

14. What is a Route?

A route is basically an endpoint specified by a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). It acts as a pointer in Laravel application.
Most commonly, a route simply points to a method on a controller and also dictates which HTTP methods are able to hit that URI.

15. Why use Route?

Routes are stored inside files under the /routes folder inside the project’s root directory. By default, there are a few different files corresponding to the different “sides” of the application (“sides” comes from the hexagonal architecture methodology).

16. What do you mean by bundles?

In Laravel, bundles are referred to as packages. These packages are used to increase the functionality of Laravel. A package can have views, configuration, migrations, routes and tasks.

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