Interview questions for Team leader

1. What are the most important values you demonstrate as a leader?

The most important value that I have is my integrity. I demonstrate honesty and trust in all my actions to establish credibility as a leader. By having this conviction behind my words and actions, those who I lead are gain bought into the direction I take them.

2. How would you deliver bad news to your team members?

Good news and bad news, both are part and parcel of any organization. There cannot be one without the other. The interviewer might ask you this question just to make sure that you are capable of delivering bad news without hampering work efficiency. You need to assure the interviewer that you understand bad news is a part of the whole job process. In order to deliver bad news, it is best to gather your whole team together and explain what has happened.

3. How have you gained commitment from your team?

I gain commitment from my teams by influencing and persuading them to set specific objectives and also buy into the process. Once they have established cooperation and cohesion they are on board to attain the goal.

4. What is employee transfer?

The transfer can be defined as the internal mobility of an employee of a company. It is a lateral movement pertaining to one employee in the company by one employee. “The transfer includes the shifting concerning one employee from a job to the other without changing any of the responsibilities and compensation”.

5. How can a leader fail? Give an example of that?

A leader can fail when they can’t get their team on board with the goals of the organization. Factors outside of a leader’s control may also lead to failures such as available resources time constraints and the economy.

6. How would you go about delegating/assigning tasks of a project among your team?

In order for this to happen, you as a team leader must asses the total work and divide it into different talent zones. Now, you should delegate tasks in such a manner that each person gets what he/she is best at. Only then can both quality and timelines be maintained.

7. What is the difference between a Team leader and a Team manager?

A manger is able to handle tasks and responsibilities and ensure that others get their work done. A leader will inspire and motivate their team to achieve their goals.

8. How to gain trust / commitment from your team member?

Leading a team in an organization requires commitment and trust within team members and team leader in order to be more successful. The interviewer needs to hear that you have the potential and interest to persuade team members in aligning their work with respect to organizational goals.

9. How do you get others to accept your ideas?

I talk about the benefits of the idea and how to apply it. I would stay open to other thoughts and change my ideas in a way that we can all agree. When you gain buy-in from others, you are much more successful in attaining the goals than when you make it mandatory to follow procedure.

10. As a team leader, how do you lead through change?

Being a Team Leader, it is your responsibility to quickly adapt to changes. Changes are a vital part of growth. You need to embrace these changes effortlessly and should be confident about them so that if any team member asks you questions or anything specific about it, you are ready with the correct answer.

11. How you ensure quality of code?

Quality of code defines whether it is good (high quality) or bad (low quality). Whatever may be the quality it is subjective. Different organizations can have different definitions according to the context. And some code that may be considered of high quality could have different meanings for developers of automation and web application. Follow the below-mentioned tips to ensure the quality of the code.
• Opt for one coding standard
• Analyze the code
• Following Code Reviews
• Refracting the legacy code

11. How would you go about praising a team member in public?

I would use a time when we would be gathered in a group, such as a meeting to bring up the praise to the team member. I would recognize their success in front of the group so others could also learn best practices.

12. What tools do you use to test code quality?

Mentioned below are the various free as well as paid tools to check the quality of your code:
• Sonarqube
• ESLint
• Klocwork
• Coverity
• Code Climate
• Codacy
• Closure Linter
• JSHint
• JS Lint
• Pylint

12. Are you more effective in a group or one on one basis?

I feel that I am more effective in a group because everyone has some unique quality that they bring to a group. We can develop our interpersonal skills by helping those in the group who need it as well as learning from those who are successful.

13. How do you improve team skills?

I do the following things to improve team skills:-
• I Respect the suggestion given by the team member.
• Conduct regular training of the team members.
• I don’t argue over who gets the credit of the work because we work as a team and not individually.
• I set some ground rules for the team to get a better result from the team members.
• I celebrate the team’s achievements.

14. How often do you feel it’s necessary to meet with your team?

I feel that I should meet with my team at least once a week on a set time and day of the week. Communication among team members is critical and this will give the team an opportunity to get together on a regular basis and talk about their challenges and best practices. Also, when our team reaches a milestone, a new project begins, an award or promotion is given or when there is a challenging situation, I would want to bring the team together. Everyone will get the same message that way and we can celebrate successes or come together in challenging times.

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